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Inscrit le 27/04/2006
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# 14 mars 2009 18:37
check-list a écrit :Donc aucune source ... ?

Génial le Blog sans source ...
Il essaie de vous copier peut-être ... wink

David - prof policier, secrétaire, assistant social, parent, infirmier et psychologue à Toulouse!
Rédacteur en chef d'
Mes photos sur Pictaero

"Never trust a small man. His brain's too near his arse," Sir Noel Coward.
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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 14 mars 2009 18:51
Non Curufinwe il y à la source du Seattle Times !
Faut savoir lire et interprêter aussi !
Plus qq années de suivi aussi ! mais discuter avec Check list ne sert à rien et celà m'a valu un carton Jaune !
Pas question de continuer le dialogue ! renvoyez le jouer dans sa zone d'exercice habituel , votre joyau !
C'est précisément pour éviter de trop le croiser que je poste sur ce thread !

Merci d'avance !

(Message édité par Beochien le 14/03/2009 18h54)

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Avatar de check-list

Inscrit le 24/11/2008
547 messages postés

# 15 mars 2009 00:26
Beochien a écrit :Non Curufinwe il y à la source du Seattle Times !
Faut savoir lire et interprêter aussi !
Interpreter comme vous l'entendez ...
120 ème Dreamliner releve seulement de votre exceès deDPO !

Et Seattle Times n'en parle même pas !

(Message édité par check-list le 15/03/2009 01h25)
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Avatar de check-list

Inscrit le 24/11/2008
547 messages postés

# 15 mars 2009 01:23
J'ajoutes ceci :

"Shanghai is expected to receive the 10th 787, the fourth production -8 aircraft. Of the first 20 787-8s built, which include the first six flight test aircraft, Chinese airlines are expected to receive half. The airline's second 787-8 would be the 50th built.

Boeing expects to introduce its second production blockpoint which includes a suite of weight reduction and performance enhancements beginning with airplane 21" ...

En fait comme le dit l'article, Shanghai va reçevoir donc comme prévu son premier B787 dans la série des 20 premiers ...
Ce que biensûr Shanghai refuse, elle demande donc, un repport de livraison pour son premier exemplaire livré quand la série des ZA020 seront une fois livrés tandis que les autres appareils déstinés à la compagnie chinoise se feront livrés pendant la série des ZA050 comme initialement prévus !

Donc en gros la compagnie chinoise est en train de pleurer pour pas grand chose ...

Comme je vous le dit elle veut obtenir quelquechose de Boeing, des ristournes en cette période de crise c'est incontestable !

"Boeing declined to comment specifically on its negotiations with Shanghai Airlines.

"We are working very closely with our 787 customers to understand their evolving fleet requirements," said a Boeing spokesperson. "But as a matter of long-standing practice, Boeing does not comment on its discussions with customers." ...

Normal !
Tradition oblige.
Rien ne doit sortir, jamais, Boeing ne divulgue jamais quoi que se soit pendant les négociations et celà même depuis la vieille époque lorsqu' Airbus n'existait même pas et lorsque Douglas était le concurent sévère de Boeing ...

C'est même pas internet qui va changer les rêgles aujourd'hui ...

Donc étant donner que je sais lire et que je donne mais source, je ne vois pas où quelque part celà nous révèle que les progrès seront fait à partir 120 ème Dreamliner !

Donc, les chiffres de Beochien sont bel est bien gonflés à bloc !

Peut-être que Curufinwe ou Beochien vont nous le dire peut-être ... ! tongue

(Message édité par check-list le 15/03/2009 01h30)
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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 15 mars 2009 09:57
Difficile de vivre sans la pollution de Check List !
faut faire avec !
Des nouvelles de Cathay à travers Bloomberg!
Et Tony Tyler ... devant des mesures difficiles à prendre !
Bon, il est mieux que encore que les Cies US, mais c'est pas sûr que cela le consoler, il vient d'essuyerses premières ^pertes en 10 ans !

C'est dur en Asie tout le monde réduit la voilure !
Plus de pax Coach !
Et plus de pax Business !
Même pas la peine de reconfigurer les avions, celà manque aux deux bouts!
Et le fret dans les -20% pour tout arranger !

---------------- De Bloomberg, L'article Cathay ------------- ... P.8CqLFnZQ

Cathay Pacific Says Current Fares Are Unsustainable (Update4)

By Wendy Leung and Bernard Lo
Enlarge Image/Details

March 13 (Bloomberg) -- Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., Hong Kong’s biggest carrier, is selling economy-class tickets at “unsustainable” prices to lure travelers as demand plunged the most in more than three years last month.

“The market has collapsed,” Chief Executive Officer Tony Tyler said in a Bloomberg TV interview today in Hong Kong. “We can fill flights, but we’re filling them at very low fares, fares that are frankly not sustainable in the long run.”

Cathay Pacific had its first loss in ten years as the financial crisis cut demand for flights to London and New York among business class and first class travelers. A drop in passengers also prompted Singapore Airlines Ltd., Asia’s most profitable carrier, to cut its fleet by 17 planes in the year beginning in April.

“A lot of companies have been cutting down on travel,” said Jim Wong, an analyst at Nomura International Ltd. in Hong Kong. “The situation is deteriorating very rapidly.”

Cathay Pacific and its Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Ltd. unit carried 1.8 million passengers last month, a decline of 7.4 percent from a year earlier, it said yesterday. Freight volume dropped 17 percent.

The shares fell 1 percent in Hong Kong trading to HK$7.36 They have declined 16 percent this year, extending last year’s 57 percent slump.

Cathay has suffered a “big falloff” among premium travelers from the global financial crisis. Banks and insurers have cut more than 280,000 jobs since the crisis began. Rising unemployment in the U.S., Europe and Asia has also cut tourism demand.

“The impact of the financial services industry crash had a pretty immediate effect on Cathay Pacific,” said Tyler.

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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 15 mars 2009 10:56
Des fois que Air france ou LHA aien envie de faire de "Bonnes" Acquisitions ... CSA Pologne, vat être à vendre !

Une cie déjà restructurée et qui ne perds pas d'argent, pour changer un peu ...!

Dommage que AF et Luft , aient concentré leur Cash pour investir dans de cas désespérés, pour AF, ou douteux, pour LHA !

--------------- De ATW, L'article ---------------

Profitable CSA 'ready for privatization'
Friday March 13, 2009
Resource Center

CSA Czech Airlines posted a 2008 pre-tax profit of CZK500 million ($23.6 million), compared to a CZK111 million profit in 2007. It said pre-tax earnings under IFRS came to $550,000, reversed from an $8.8 million loss on a similar basis the prior year. It said fuel and currency hedges were the difference and that absent those its fuel expense would have increased by CZK1.2 billion. However, falling demand in the second half of last year cost approximately CZK400 million in lost revenue. Full-year 2008 operating revenue of CNY23.24 billion was about even with 2007 while expenses fell 1.6% to CNY22.83 billion. Passenger numbers on scheduled and charter flights were up 2.4% to 5.6 million. President Radomir Lasak said the airline is "a restructured company that is ready for privatization," which he claimed "is the right step even at this difficult time" (ATWOnline, March 4). CSA said its cost-cutting initiatives this year will focus on its technical division.

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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 15 mars 2009 13:03
Les Kangourous de Qantas à l'attaque de LAX et JFK ?!

Avec l'arrivée Du A380, et la concurrence de V Australia locale !
La vie n'est pas facile pour Quantas, déjà bien secouée par ses PB techniques à répétition, qq grèves et des finances, disons, pas aussi bonnes qu'en 2007!
Et leurs 787 dans la hotte du père Noël, mais on ne sait pas quelle année !

Et les routes phare de Qantas ... vers l'Europe, ou l'Asie qui vont se faire agresser par l'expansion inévitable de EK et de SIA avec des A380 aussi, omniprésents dure la vie de Qantas!!

Heureusement pour Quantas que les USA n'ont pas pris d'A380, sinon, ils étaient cernés !
La concentration de A380 à Sidney et Melbourne devrait devenir intéressante un jour !

Donc, pour en venir au sujet :
Guerre des prix sur les routes Australie - USA
Des billets one way à 299 $ de Lax, et à 399 $ de New York Chez QA
Qantas souhaîte la Bienvenue à V Australia ... et à Delta qui arrives !

Les pronostiques de victoire ne sont pas en faveur des compagnies US sur ce coup United et Delta ! Une, ou les deux pourraient bien arrêter ! Pas de A380 à opposer, et pas de low cost non plus ... que faire à part de la pub !

--------------Finance par Yahoo l'article -------------------- ... 41672.html

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Offering financial incentive for North American travelers heading to Australia and New Zealand, Qantas Airways presents an attractive Aussie and Kiwi travel stimulus with one of the lowest airfares in years. Starting at just $299 each way in economy (based on round trip purchase, plus tax and fees), travelers can fly from Los Angeles and San Francisco to Auckland, Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney from now until October 24, 2009, with ticketing required by March 20, 2009.

“Travelers can now double their benefits by taking advantage of incredibly low airfares and with the favorable currency exchange rates, every US dollar goes about 40 percent further,” said Wally Mariani, Qantas Airways senior executive vice president, The Americas and Pacific.

“We believe these deep discounts will make an escape to Australia or New Zealand an opportunity that is just too good to pass up.”

Economy air fares from New York start at $399 each way (with roundtrip purchase) for travel from June 10, 2009 to October 24, 2009. For travelers departing Mexico City, fares are $499 each way and are valid from now until October 24, 2009. Other restrictions apply.

For more information about these ‘can’t miss’ fares, visit the web site at

Qantas offers 46 flights a week from the U.S., including 38 from Los Angeles (to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Auckand), five from San Francisco, a daily direct service from JFK and three from Honolulu. A leader in inflight entertainment, all Qantas mainland departures feature on demand video and audio selections for movies, TV programs, radio and games in all classes. In October, 2008, Qantas inaugurated the first A380 non-stop services from Los Angeles to Sydney and to Melbourne featuring aircraft interiors designed by internationally renowned industrial designer and Qantas Creative Director Marc Newson.

---------------------- Et Le début de Delta ----------------- ... -sale-fare
Ce sont les touristes qui vont être contents ...

Au fait Tahiti ... combien ça vaut le voyage ... va falloir qu'ils brûlent qq pneus là bas, sinon on va oublier combien ils coûtent ...allez allez à la manif sous les cocotiers !

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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 15 mars 2009 21:11
Un nouveau matériel est sorti pour entretenir les trains d'aterrissage pendant l'overhaul des trains reconstituer les surfaces (Axes et paliers) fatiguées ..!
Et les freins carbone sont des plus sophistiqués !

Peening en Anglais faut le traduire celui là !
Peening :

Sais pas ou le mettre en plus ! !

Un beau matériel pour les MRO !

-------------------- Extrait --------------------- ... 202884.htm

ew Wheelabrator® Automated Airblast Peening System: Peening Landing Gears for Aerospace Industry

The new Wheelabrator® Automated Airblast, Wheelblast and Hybrid peening systems offer comprehensive solutions for aerospace applications.

Burlington, ON (Vocus/PRWEB ) March 4, 2009 -- The new Wheelabrator® Automated Airblast, Wheelblast and Hybrid peening systems offer comprehensive solutions for aerospace applications. When comparing like solutions, consider the sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, operator interface and touch screen controls that provide access to real-time process data, trending and analytical capabilities of Wheelabrator equipment. Whether blast wheels or numerically-controlled nozzles, both propulsion techniques allow for optimum peening in select areas.

Peening landing gears
Peening landing gears

Landing gear peening can be accomplished with blast wheels for large external part areas and lance style nozzle (airblast) to target internal areas, or a custom hybrid constructed in a common enclosure. Tailoring a system to a customer's specific needs can represent a considerable cost-savings in (1) equipment, and (2) reduction in work handling. From wing spars and engine components to landing gears, a Wheelabrator Automated Peening system can be configured to suit most aerospace peening requirements.

High-carbon alloy landing gears require processing in compliance with specifications comprising critical tolerances. These parameters are met with an optimum mix of machine sub-components, peening media, electrical and pneumatic control circuits. Overhauling landing gear requires re-building the surface and peening to protect from failure due to fatigue stress. The Automated Airblast Peening System can adapt to different media types, classify for the right media size, shape, flow rate, and peening pressure to ensure consistent peening results.

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Avatar de lequebecois

Inscrit le 11/02/2007
8 926 messages postés

# 15 mars 2009 21:28
J'ai déjà fait du shot peening sur des pièces machinées, en français, on disait du grenaillage. Le shot peening est utilisé depuis longtemps sur les pièces machinées. Peut-être que cette technique est nouvelle. ... illage.php

(Message édité par lequebecois le 15/03/2009 21h39)

Le bonheur est une pause entre deux emmerdes !

Adepte de la discutaille du coin du comptoir du café de la gare
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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 15 mars 2009 21:55
Une (petite) compagnie aerienne Chinoise au Tapis !

Grounded par les autorités ! Mauvaise gestion ....une forme comme une autre de réduire la capacité ??
Park : 7 Airbus 320 séries , 2 A320 en 2009 (Alloués ou Gecas ??)
Un vingtaine de prévus entre Airbus et Gecas!
La plainte viens de GECAS pour non payement du govt provincial du Wuhan ??
License suspendue !

-----------------------l'article Reuters -------------------- ... on=article

BEIJING, March 15 (Reuters) - China grounded East Star Airlines, a small private carrier based in the central city of Wuhan, for being unable to pay back heavy debts and for "poor internal management", a government official told state television. China's aviation regulator suspended East Star's operating license effective from Sunday, Tan Shizhang, a traffic department spokesman within the Wuhan city government, told China Central Television.
"The main reason is due to the airline not being able to pay back its heavy debts, which has lead to operational difficulties," Tan said.
East Star, which has a fleet of nine aircraft and operates about 20 flights a day, was marked as a potential takeover target by the parent group of Air China, the flag carrier said in a statement in January.

The suspension order came after General Electric's aircraft leasing arm, GE Commercial Aviation Services, sought redress from the Wuhan government after repeated requests to the company for unpaid aircraft leasing fees came to nothing, the spokesman added. A notice posted on the website of the Civil Aviation Administration of China ( said authorities had "already taken emergency measures to coordinate relevant airlines to temporarily fly (East Star's) routes, refund tickets and reschedule flights."
Slumping air traffic due to slowing domestic demand has made it hard for China's small private airlines to compete with state-owned Air China, China Eastern and China Southern.
Since December, China Eastern and China Southern have announced plans to receive a total of 10 billion yuan ($1.5 billion) in cash injections from the government to help them ride out the slump. Private carriers do not enjoy such support.
China's first private airline, Okay Airways, said in December it had halted its passenger services indefinitely because of the global financial crisis.

(Reporting by Ian Ransom; Editing by David Holmes)

(Message édité par Beochien le 15/03/2009 21h56)

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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 15 mars 2009 23:18
Virgin Atlantic se démène malgré la crise, qu'ils doivent prévoire courte !
Pour une foi Richard Branson, laisse le haut Parleur à ses cadres aprés avoir fait pas mal de schows entre Everette LAX et l'Australie avec V Australia ! Repos Vacances ??
Bon, ca bouge pour les projets futurs !

1/ Virgin projette de doubler un certain nombre de routes de BA sur l'Europe ! Dixit Paul Charles, leur Dir de la com.
Comment, ils ne savent pas ... Achat mergers, création , c'est pas défini, mais l'envie est déclarée ...ça les gratte un "Feeder"
Et pour les Slots ...??? pas de com!
Suivi d'un solide Basching de BA par le reporter !
Suivi d'un annonce moins glorieuse ... suspention de Bombay par manque de Pax , - 18%

-------------- Le Telegraph Extrait ----------------- ... urope.html

Paul Charles, director of communications for Virgin Atlantic, told Telegraph Travel that expanding into Europe is the next logical step for the airline, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

"We would like to expand our network and it makes sense to go short-haul into Europe. Whether this comes through acquisitions or organic growth of the airline remains to be seen."

Virgin previously offered flights from London to Brussels under its Virgin Express subsidiary, but this was merged with SN Brussels Airlines in 2004 to form Brussels Airlines.

Mr Charles said any future Virgin European network would involve planes with a full-service business-class section, unlike the no-frills Virgin Express. He said it was too early to predict when Virgin's short-haul routes would begin and which cities the airline might target.

"We want to provide much-needed competition to British Airways throughout Europe," he said, claiming that the airline would bring better levels of service to passengers than those BA can offer.

In the last months of 2008 Virgin considered buying a stake in Bmi, the second largest airline operating from Heathrow, but dropped out when the German carrier Lufthansa agreed to buy a controlling stake for £318 million.

James Freemantle, of the Air Transport Users Council, the air-passenger watchdog, said that it would welcome plans to challenge BA's Heathrow dominance.

"With the huge growth in low-cost airlines, there is plenty of choice when it comes to flying out of regional airports, but there are very few alternatives out of Heathrow," he said. "Any move that would bring more choice and competition on BA routes out of Heathrow can only be good for passengers."

BA currently owns just over 40 per cent of the take-off and landing slots at Heathrow, while Bmi has 12 per cent.


C'est pas fini !
Steve Ridgeway , CEO de Virgin Atlantic, à LAX commente sur l'int"rim solution des B787-9 qu'il pourrait attendre qq temps !
Pour lui aussi la crise, il faut penser au moment ou elle se terminera ... qq livraisons ont été retardées, mais pas question d'attendre ses 787-9, 5 ans (Ou plus) sans possibilité de croissance !

Donc des options intérim, Boeing ou Airbus achats ou location, c'est ouvert A340 inclus ! Ooops !
Mon avis ... du cinema bien orchestré pour obtenir un max ! 12 avions vers 2011! Une formule mixte, peut être et Boeing payera un max !
Décision dans qq semaines !

Mais quel grand écart ... defferer qq avions d'un côté, et hurler pour sa future croissance, mise en pièces pour les retards du 787-9, pour reçevoir un max d'indemnités ! Pfff

---------------------- Flight Global Extrait ------------------ ... ction.html

Virgin Atlantic closes on interim aircraft selection
By Victoria Moores

Virgin Atlantic chief executive Steve Ridgway is hoping to finalise an interim capacity solution over the coming weeks to bridge the gap until the airline's first Boeing 787s arrive.

The UK long-haul carrier has previously outlined plans to purchase or lease up to 12 aircraft, which will tide it over until delivery of its 15 787-9s. Types under consideration, for introduction from 2011, include the Airbus A330, A340, Boeing 777 and 747-8.

Speaking to ATI in Los Angeles, Ridgway said the 787 delay was "not a problem in the short-term", but Virgin did not want to have five years without growth.

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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 16 mars 2009 07:49
Hollé !

Fallait la faire celle là !
Jack Welch, le grand maître du capitalisme agressif des dernières années ... grand patron de GE pendant 20 ans ..
Et bien connu dans notre milieu, à travers diverses décisions d'exclusivité, toujours polémiques ... GE 90-115, et divers autres chantages côté Airbus ... A340, A 350 etc ..(GE avec ou sans lui d'ailleurs)
Et qui à aussi impulsé GECAS acteur omniprésent du marché du "Leasing" Aéronautique !
Ben il fait une déclaration à 180° dans le Financial Tmes du 12/3
Je me suis trompé complètement, la cote en Bourse, n'est pas si importante, faut privilégier le matériel Humain !
Toute une école mise à la poubelle .... Renversant !
Pourtant il n'y a pas de marche arrière dans la vie et encore moins dans l'économie, dommage, on verrait des avions voler avec des moteurs différents, qui sait !

-------------- L'article FT , Extrait ---------------- ... fd2ac.html

Welch condemns share price focus

By Francesco Guerrera in New York

Published: March 12 2009 18:13 | Last updated: March 12 2009 18:13

Jack Welch, who is regarded as the father of the “shareholder value” movement that has dominated the corporate world for more than 20 years, has said it was “a dumb idea” for executives to focus so heavily on quarterly profits and share price gains.

The former General Electric chief told the Financial Times the emphasis that executives and investors had put on shareholder value, which began gaining popularity after a speech he made in 1981, was misplaced.

Mr Welch, whose record at GE encouraged other executives to replicate its consistent returns, said that managers and investors should not set share price increases as their overarching goal. He added that short-term profits should be allied with an increase in the long-term value of a company.

“On the face of it, shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world,” he said. “Shareholder value is a result, not a strategy . . . Your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products.”

Mr Welch spoke before Thursday’s news that GE, which he left in 2001, had lost its triple A rating from Standard & Poor’s.

His comments, made in an interview for the FT’s series on the future of capitalism, come as the economic crisis has caused a radical rethinking by many leading executives and policymakers. Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve and a high priest of laisser-faire capitalism, told the FT last month that the US might have to nationalise some banks on a temporary basis to fix the financial system.

The birth of the shareholder value movement is commonly traced to a speech that Mr Welch gave at New York’s Pierre hotel in 1981, shortly after taking the helm at GE.

In the speech, titled “Growing Fast in a Slow-Growth Economy”, Mr Welch did not mention the term but outlined his beliefs in selling underperforming businesses and cutting costs to increase profits faster than global economic growth.

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Avatar de elmer

Inscrit le 27/09/2005
4 061 messages postés

# 16 mars 2009 10:05
Beochien a écrit :Une (petite) compagnie aerienne Chinoise au Tapis !

Grounded par les autorités ! Mauvaise gestion ....une forme comme une autre de réduire la capacité ??
Park : 7 Airbus 320 séries , 2 A320 en 2009 (Alloués ou Gecas ??)
Un vingtaine de prévus entre Airbus et Gecas!
Salut Beochien,

Toute la flotte actuelle de East Star est louée chez GECAS. Mais 6 commandes d'A320 lui ont été allouées par CASGC début 2008. Les livraisons étaient prévues de fin 2009 à 2011. On suppose que CASGC devra les réallouer à quelqu'un d'autre. Des locations prévues chez ILFC ont aussi été annulées.

(Message édité par elmer le 16/03/2009 10h07)
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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 16 mars 2009 13:45
Merci Elmer !

Le transport aérien***** victime aussi de la crise !
Décidément tous les maillons de la chaîne sont affectés !
Kayala arrêtée, pour non économique en Avril !
Adieu les luxueux A319 /44 places Saoudiens ...
De bonnes affaires ces A319 .. mais pour qui ??
Un charter Suisse peut être ??
Ou plus raisonnable que le A380 pour Dubaï Nice grin

------------------- De flight Global L'article ----------------- ... ayala.html

Saudi Arabia scraps luxury A319 operator Kayala
By David Kaminski-Morrow

Middle Eastern luxury carrier Kayala Airline is to suspend operations in April, citing uneconomical trading conditions.

The carrier is operated through Saudi Arabia's National Air Services and conducts flights with Airbus A319s configured with low-density 44-seat interiors.

Kayala operates on a limited number of routes, connecting Riyadh, Jeddah and Dubai.

But National Air Services chief Sulaiman Abdullah Al-Hamdan says that, having carried out a study on Kayala's financial return, the company has decided the carrier is "no longer feasible".

Al-Hamdan says the parent company is having to incur an "unbearable huge cost" to support the airline at a time when demand is falling and the economic outlook is poor.

He says he expects customers to "understand the management decision and the rationale behind it".

Al-Hamdan adds, however, that National Air Services is not giving up on the business model and is studying options for a possible future project.

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Avatar de Beochien

Inscrit le 13/02/2007
9 170 messages postés

# 16 mars 2009 17:56
Un trés long édito que l'on pourrait qualifier presque de "Avant Farnborough" ...s'il n'était 4 là !
Fait par Airline Business (Abonnement) et gentillement ramené par flightglobal!

Un peu de tout, de ce qui se commente, et le grand secret sur les futurs monocouloirs et leurs moteurs ...
Seul P&W un peut ouvert, car "En route avant", avec le GTF ! RR fermé comme une huitre, et GE qui annonce 16 et 26 % entre Leap X et open rotor sans trop préciser, chiffres un peu en dessous des 20-30 espérés !

Mais faut il prendre tous les effets d'annonce au sérieux, tout bouge dans des proportions de 5% d'une annonce à l'autre !

Bon à lire pour les courageux !

--------------------- FlightGlobal Le titre ------------------- ... t-the.html

Future aircraft and engines: When will they hit the market?

Max Kingsley-Jones in London

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